Development Guide

Documentation - v2.0

Saasbox - Multipurpose HTML Template for Saas & Agency

The Saasbox is a Static HTML5 Template:
We do not provide any documentation or email support on how to integrate with any CMS (such as WordPress, Joomla, etc.) or frameworks (such as Angular, Vue, React, etc.).

Get Help

Thank you for purchased our item(s). If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via support page here. Thank you so much!

In some cases, you may have to wait 2 working days to get an email answer. However, we will try to answer you as soon as possible. Replies are sometimes delayed due to multiple emails and time zone variations.

Files Structure

  • Saasbox
    • dist (compiled distribution files)
    • node_modules (npm dependencies files. It is NOT included in the downloaded file, this folder will be installed automatically when you install npm).
    • src (all source files)
      • pug (all .pug files into this folder)
      • scss (all .scss files into this folder)
    • static (all static assets)
      • css (all static CSS files)
      • img (all images)
      • js (all static JS files)
    • .browerslistrc
    • changelog.txt
    • gulpfile.js
    • license
    • package.json
    • package-lock.json (this file NOT included in the downloaded file, this file will be automatically created when you run gulp)

Code Editor

There are many code editors for web code editing. You can use whatever you want. We recommend that you use Visual Studio Code . Because - this template is coded using it.


It has a directory (saasbox/dist) of compiled files. If you want to edit without source files (plain HTML/CSS/JS files), you do not need to install anything on your machine.

You need to install package files/dependencies for this project if you want to customize it. To do this, you must have node and npm installed on your computer. Installation guide of the node can be found here.

As npm comes bundled with a node, a separate installation of npm is NOT needed. If you have installed them, just go to the root folder and run the following command in your command prompt or terminal.

npm install

Run Gulp

Run a command to run Gulp. When you run this command, it also watching at all source and static files. So, you don't need to run another command to watching these.

npm run gulp

If you want, just watch the source files. You can run another individual command.

npm run gulp watch

Know the file type

Source files:

Source files are files that are processed with template build tools to make the browser readable. E.g. SCSS & PUG files always source files.

Files location: saasbox > "src" folder

Compiled files:

Compiled files are files generated as a result of running a compilation process in the source files. E.g. CSS & standard HTML files always compiled files.

Files location: saasbox > "dist" folder

Static files:

Static files are ones that aren’t processed or generated. E.g. Images, Web Icon Fonts and standard HTML are static files.

Files location: saasbox > "static" folder

SCSS files

Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet. Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world. It's gives you variables, nesting, partials, modules, mixins, extend/inheritance & operators, etc.

Visit the official website to learn the details.
SCSS Files Layout
File Description
style.scss core .scss file Core stylesheet
_reboot.scss Reboot CSS
_shortcode.scss Shortcode CSS
_preloader.scss Preloader CSS
_header.scss Header CSS
_hero.scss Welcome Area CSS
_about.scss About CSS
_tab.scss Tab CSS
_service.scss Service CSS
_pricing.scss Pricing Table CSS
_feature.scss Feature CSS
_team.scss Team CSS
_partner.scss Partner CSS
_portfolio.scss Portfolio CSS
_feedback.scss Reviews CSS
_counter.scss Counter Up CSS
_blog.scss Blog CSS
_footer.scss Footer CSS
_cta.scss Call to Action CSS
_cookie.scss Cookie CSS
_faq.scss FAQ's CSS
_breadcrumb.scss Breadcrumb CSS
_shop.scss Shop CSS
_error.scss 404 CSS
_register.scss Login/Register CSS
_contact.scss Contact CSS
_demo.scss Demo Page CSS

PUG files

With Pug you can easily write HTML code. You have many powerful features at Pug. It's has powerful features like conditions, loops, includes, mixins. When you write HTML code in Pug, it is processed by the template engine into standard HTML code. So that web browsers can understand the code.

Visit the official website to learn the details.
PUG Files Layout
File Description
inc/about-1.pug About 1 Section Code
inc/about-2.pug About 2 Section Code
inc/about-3.pug About 3 Section Code
inc/about-4.pug About 4 Section Code
inc/blog-1.pug Blog 1 Section Code
inc/blog-2.pug Blog 2 Section Code
inc/cart.pug Cart Page Code
inc/checkout.pug Checkout Page Code
inc/cookie.pug Cookie Section Code
inc/cool-facts.pug Cool Facts Section Code
inc/cta-1.pug Call to Action 1 Section Code
inc/cta-2.pug Call to Action 2 Section Code
inc/cta-3.pug Call to Action 3 Section Code
inc/demo-hero.pug Demo Page Code
inc/faq-1.pug FAQ 1 Section Code
inc/faq-2.pug FAQ 2 Section Code
inc/feature-1.pug Feature 1 Section Code
inc/feature-2.pug Feature 2 Section Code
inc/feature-3.pug Feature 3 Section Code
inc/footer-1.pug Footer 1 Code
inc/footer-2.pug Footer 2 Code
inc/footer-3.pug Footer 3 Code
inc/head.pug Head Code
inc/header-1.pug Header 1 Code
inc/header-2.pug Header 2 Code
inc/hero-1.pug Hero 1 Code
inc/hero-2.pug Hero 2 Code
inc/hero-3.pug Hero 3 Code
inc/hero-4.pug Hero 4 Code
inc/js-plugins.pug Include all JavaScript Libraries
inc/loader.pug Preloader Code
inc/newsletter.pug Newsletter Section Code
inc/partner-1.pug Partner 1 Section Code
inc/partner-3.pug Partner 3 Section Code
inc/portfolio-1.pug Portfolio 1 Section Code
inc/portfolio-2.pug Portfolio 2 Section Code
inc/pricing-1.pug Pricing 1 Section Code
inc/pricing-2.pug Pricing 2 Section Cod
inc/pricing-3.pug Pricing 3 Section Cod
inc/related-items.pug Related Product Section Code
inc/service-1.pug Service 1 Section Code
inc/service-3.pug Service 3 Section Code
inc/shop-sidebar.pug Shop Sidebar Section Code
inc/sidebar.pug Blog Sidebar Section Code
inc/tab.pug Tab Section Code
inc/team.pug Team Section Code
inc/testimonial-1.pug Testimonial 1 Section Code
inc/testimonial-2.pug Testimonial 2 Section Code
inc/video.pug Video Section Code
*.pug All HTML Pages All Pages Code

How to edit the Title & Favicon?

Open the mail file (saasbox) in your code editor. Then open head.pug file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > src > pug > inc > head.pug

Customize with Complied Files

Open any *.html file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > dist > *.html

Remember: The page you will edit, the change will be only that page. So, you need to edit all the HTML files.

How to edit the Brand Logo?

Open the mail file (saasbox) in your code editor. Then open header.pug file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > src > pug > inc > header.pug

Customize with Complied Files

Open any *.html file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > dist > *.html

Remember: The page you will edit, the change will be only that page. So, you need to edit all the HTML files.

How to edit the Navbar?

Open the mail file (saasbox) in your code editor. Then open header-1.pug || header-2.pug file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > src > pug > inc > header-1.pug || header-2.pug

Customize with Complied Files

Open any *.html file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > dist > *.html

Remember: The page you will edit, the change will be only that page. So, you need to edit all the HTML files.

How to edit the Footer Widget?

Open the mail file (saasbox) in your code editor. Then open footer-1.pug || footer-2.pug || footer-3.pug file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > src > pug > inc > footer-1.pug || footer-2.pug || footer-3.pug

Customize with Complied Files

Open any *.html file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > dist > *.html

Remember: The page you will edit, the change will be only that page. So, you need to edit all the HTML files.

How to edit the template Colors?

Open the mail file (saasbox) in your code editor. Then open _variables.scss file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > src > scss > _variables.scss

Customize with Complied Files

Open style.css file & customize as your desire.

File location: saasbox > dist > style.css

Customize with Complied Files

Working with compiled files is very easy. You don't need any build tools or local setup to edit the template. A folder (saasbox/dist) is already provided with the template. Open this folder and edit it as your desired.

Recompiling will overwrite your all changes!

When you will customize with compile files, please do not run the template build tools. If you run the template build tools again, all your changes will be overwritten.

Third Party Plugins Activation

Name Plugins Activation Code
Preloader Active Code
let preloader = document.getElementById('preloader');

if (preloader) {
    window.addEventListener('load', function () {
        let fadeOut = setInterval(function () {
            if (! {
       = 1;
            if ( > 0) {
       -= 0.1;
            } else {
        }, 20);
Tiny Slider
if (document.querySelectorAll('.welcome3-slide-wrap').length > 0) {
        'container': '.welcome3-slide-wrap',
        'items': 1,
        'autoplay': true,
        'autoplayButtonOutput': false,
        'autoplayTimeout': 4000,
        'speed': 750,
        'loop': true,
        'mouseDrag': true,
        'controls': false,
        'nav': false,
        'mode': 'gallery',
        'animateIn': 'tns-fadeIn',
        'animateOut': 'tns-fadeOut'
CounterUp 2
let counterlen = document.querySelectorAll(".counter").length;

if (counterlen > 0) {
    let counterUp = window.counterUp.default;

    let callback = entries => {
        entries.forEach(entry => {
            let counterElement =
            if (entry.isIntersecting && !counterElement.classList.contains('is-visible')) {
                counterUp(counterElement, {
                    duration: 2000,
                    delay: 20

    let IO = new IntersectionObserver(callback, {
        threshold: 1

    let counterUpClass = document.querySelectorAll('.counter');
    let counterUpClasslen = counterUpClass.length;

    for (let i = 0; i < counterUpClasslen; i++) {
let imgZoom = document.querySelectorAll('.portfolio-img-zoom');
let imgZoomlen = imgZoom.length;

if (imgZoomlen > 0) {
    window.addEventListener('load', function () {'.portfolio-img-zoom', {
            buttons: 'auto',
            animation: 'slideIn',
            overlayBackgroundColor: 'rgba(30, 39, 46, .9)'
let playButton = document.querySelectorAll('.play-button').length;

if (playButton > 0) {
let comingSoonClock = document.getElementById('comingSoonClock');

if (comingSoonClock) {
    new countdown({
        target: '#comingSoonClock',
        dayWord: ' Days',
        hourWord: ' Hours',
        minWord: ' Min',
        secWord: ' Sec'


Version: 2.0.0
  • New Added: The whole code is wriiten with Vanilla JavaScript. No need jQuery dependency.
  • Improved: Design Quality
  • Improved: Code Quality
  • Updated: Bootstrap v5.1.0 > Bootstrap v5.1.1
  • Updated: Documentation
Version: 1.8.0
  • Updated: Bootstrap v5.0.0-beta1 > Bootstrap v5.1.0
  • Fixed: Some Minor Issues
Version: 1.7.0
  • Updated: Bootstrap v5.0.0-alpha2 > Bootstrap v5.0.0-beta1
  • Fixed: Some Minor Issues
Version: 1.6.0
  • New Added: CSS Autoprefixer in npm (Now no need to use SCSS mixins for CSS prefix)
  • Updated: Bootstrap 5.0.0-alpha1 > Bootstrap 5.0.0-alpha2
  • Updated: Fonts Poppins > Fonts Inter
Version: 1.5.0
  • Updated: Bootstrap 4.5.0 > Bootstrap 5.0.0-alpha1
  • Fixed: Fixed Some Minor Bugs
Version: 1.4.0
  • Updated: Gulp 3.9.1 > Gulp 4
Version: 1.3.0
  • Updated: Bootstrap 4.3.1 > Bootstrap 4.5.0
  • Updated: Contact Page
Version: 1.2.0
  • Fixed: Some Minor Issues
Version: 1.1.0
  • New Added: 2 Home Demos
  • New Added: Change Primary Color
  • New Added: Design Quality
Version 1.0.0
  • Initial Realease